Wednesday 9 April 2014

Main Objectives of FUT Hair Restoration

FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai is considered the most affordable hair restoration method. Every year, thousands of men and women undergo through this procedure and grab benefits such as attractive appearance, full hair head, restoration of self-confidence and self-esteem. Normally, an expert hair transplant surgeon tries to accomplish three main objectives during FUT hair transplantation Dubai. Explore these objectives below.

Maximize hair transplant growth

In FUT surgeon removes a linear hair bearing strip from the back of head. Hair transplant technicians dissect this strip under stereo-microscope, so that no damage is caused to the follicle unit. No damage is to follicle results in production of maximum grafts for recipient site. In another words, more follicle units will be survived during dissection and thereby patient is able to enjoy maximize hair transplant growth due to little or no damage to FUs.

Ensure Natural hair results

One of the biggest challenges involve in Hair Transplant in Dubai is to get natural look for both individual follicle unit and graft distribution. A successful hair transplant will be one that can not be noticed by anyone. Follicle units naturally grow in 1-4 hair groups. A hair transplant surgeon has to place graft in such a remarkable way that transplanted follicle units would be identical to surrounding follicle units. Surgeon tries to offer the most natural appearance by disturbing grafts evenly all over recipient site.

Minimize scalp trauma

A key to natural hair result is to have hair emerged from the normal skin, there should be little or no damage resulted to skin after surgery. FUT hair transplant surgeon always makes small incisions on recipient sites and then inserts small graft into incisions. On the other hand, mini-micro grafting and plug transplants are two procedures that lead to scalp trauma. Patient notices pimples and dimples on skin and elevated/depressed grafts after such procedures. However, patient of FUT never experience such problems.

Monday 7 April 2014

Scar isn’t an Issue in FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai

The people who widely promoted FUE hair transplant often highlight that FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai isn’t good because it leaves scar. However, you always need to be a rational person. You must need to know the facts of scarring before you actually decide whether you need FUT traditional method or not. Recent advancement in the field of hair transplant has completely change the scarring appearance after FUT. These days, Dubai hair transplant surgeon makes use of advanced techniques of incision closing.

No doubt, strip harvesting leaves a linear scar behind but appearance of this scar is completely dependent on the expertise of the hair transplant surgeon. You should always try to pick an experienced surgeon who has long history of satisfied customers. When you choose an experienced surgeon then you don’t need to worry about scarring. Actually, an expert always makes a judicious plan of scarring. He generally limits width of scar and avoids tension on wound and both these factors results in a minimal scar. Sometimes, a patient needs multiple sessions of hair transplant in Dubai and he is worried about multiple scars that may result from strip harvesting. However, a skilled physician is able to avoid multiple scars while employing a single scar technique. He carefully dissects hair along the incision line without causing any damage to hair follicles.

Another important thing that you need to keep in mind that hair transplant surgeons have been employing new techniques for closing incisions after surgery. These new techniques don’t let the scar get widen during recovery process. One important thing that you must know is that FUE hair transplant surgery also involves scarring. Though its marketers say that this technique doesn’t bring any linear scar yet fact is that you have multiple small circular scars on the head.

There is no need to avoid FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai procedure only because it causes scarring. Always make a rational decision. Grab your natural hairline back now through this procedure.